Induction program organized by the Department of Basic Science and Humanities. Several activities like Yoga, Meditation, Cultural Program, Technical classes and invited motivational lectures are the events arranged in the Induction Program
One day seminar on” Emerging Trends in Advanced Science and Humanities for the Application in Technology”, speakers: Mr. A. Banerjee, Prof. S. K. Bandyopadhyay, Prof. K. K. Chattopadhyay, Dr. D. Banerjee, 22nd April 2016.
Invited Talk on “Breaking Barriers: An Interactive Session on Latest Interview Techniques”, speakers: Dr. Summauli Pyne, Mr. Abhradeep Basu Mallik, 19th April 2017.
Induction programme for freshers, conducted by home faculties and entrepreneurs, 23rd July 2017 to 31st July 2017.
Students participated in “Smart India
Hackathon 2022(Internal Round)” organized by Techno International Batanagar on
28th March,2022
Webinar on Quantum Computing on 11th March
2022 , Organized by CSE Dept. , TIB.
“CSE Alumni Meet “, 26th January 2018
Students participated in “Smart India Hackathon 2018 - Grand Finale” organized by Govt. of India on 30th and 31st March 2018
A Seminar on “Big Data Hadoop”, Speaker: Mr.Tridip Das, Junior Consultant from Web Tech Labs Pvt.Ltd, 6th April 2018.
“ACM Student Chapter” Inauguration, Speakers: Prof. Dr. Sankhayan Choudhury, Prof.Dr. Nabendu Chaki, University of Calcutta, 12th April 2018.
A one day Seminar on “Ethical Hacking”, Speakers: Subhadeep Banerjee, Suvradip Ghosh,Rajarshee Bhadra, Pranab Sah,CSE 2nd Year Students, 13th April 2018.
ACM Student Chapter:Innovative Project Ideas, Speakers: Prof.Dr. Pinaki Pal, ISI, Dr.Ranjan Dasgupta, TCS Research and Innovation Lab, Dr. Snehasish Banerjee, Secretary,ACM Kolkata Professional Chapter, 10th August 2018.
“Computer Society of India, Student Chapter”, Speakers: Mr. Devaprasanna Sinha, Dr.Ambar Dutta, Chairman CSI-Kolkata,Prof.Dr.J.K. Mandal, Past Chairman,CSI,Mr.Gautam Hajra, Vice Chairman,CSI, Mr.Sourav Chakraborty, Secretary,CSI, 10th October 2018.
A one week workshop on “Online Spoken Tutorials on Advanced CPP, Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay, 20th September-28th November, 2017
A one day Seminar on “Quantum Computing- The Future of Computing 2017” Speakers: Prof.Dr. Atal Chowdhury(JU),Prof.Dr. Amlan Chakroborty(CU), Prof.Dr. Paramartha Dutta(VB), Prof.Dr. Debashis De (MAKAUT), 16th September 2017
An invited talk on “IoT & Data Analytics in Industry” Ms.Riti Chatterjee, Ex-Senior Director, CTS, 11th August 2017.
A one week Faculty Development Program on “ Python and Scilab” in collaboration with spoken tutorial, IIT Bombay, 11th July to 17th July 2017.
An Industrial visit to “Birla Industrial and Technological Museum”, Kolkata, 9th September 2017.
Invited Talk on “Introduction to machine Learning” Dr. Debotosh Bhattacharjee, 13th April 2017.
A workshop on “ Ethical Hacking” , Speakers: Mr. Abhishek Mitra, Mr. Aaquib Hussain, Seekhlo Education and Indian Cyber Security Solutions, 31st March and 1st April 2017.
Spoken Tutorials Workshop on Python, In collaboration with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay, 6th Feb to 2nd June 2017
Online Spoken Tutorial Workshop on C and CPP, In Collaboration with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay, 2nd February to 23rd May 2017.
National workshop on Quad Copter Development, NSTP and EDC, IIT Roorkee, 16th to 17th September 2017
A Seminar on “Cloud Computing and Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Health Care” Speakers: Dr. Sarbani Roy( JU), Dr. Chandreyee Choudhury(JU), 13th September 2016
A Seminar on “Digital Universe: Challenges and Oppurtunities” Speaker: Dr. Basudev Majee, Ex. Prof. North Bengal University, 18th April 2016
Industrial visit to “BSNL Data Center”, Salt Lake, 22nd March 2016.
A two days NADC workshop on “Android
Application Development” APK Techno Solution in Association with IIT Madras,
5th-6th February 2016.
A One-Day Seminar & Workshop Session On “Social Media And Cloud Computing” speakers: Prof. Nandini Mukherjee, Mr. Jayanta Parial,(CDAC), Mr.Sourav Basu( TCS),Mr. Rudrajyoti Sen(TCS), 20th April 2015
Parents Teachers Meeting, 14th July 2017
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Guest Talk on "Hazards of Cell Phone" organized by TIB IEEE Student Branch, Spearker: Dr. Monojit Mitra (Professor & Head, Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, IIEST, Shibpur), 15th November, 2018.
Drama: “Ekti abastab Golpo” performed by 2nd year and 3rd year students of ECE with one Diploma 1st year student on 17th September 2018 on the day of Viswakarma Puja in the Institute Seminar hall.
Guest Talk on "Introduction to Embedded Systems" organized by TIB IEEE Student Branch, Speaker: Mr. Alokesh Ghosh, Joint Director, CDAC, 17th August, 2018.
Project workshop on “Electronic Circuits” for 2nd and 3rd Year ECE Students; judge by Prof. D.N Tibarewala (Jadavpur University), dated 3rd July – 10th July, 2018.
MATLAB workshop for ECE students on 7th & 8th April, 2018.
Guest Talk on “Future Challenges and Advanced Innovations in VLSI Design”, Speaker: Prof Subir Kumar Sarkar, Senior Member IEEE & IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of Electron Device Society, Professor & Former Head, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, on 29th March, 2018.
Felicitation of winners of PPT Presentation Competition of 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year ECE students on 23rd March, 2018.
A one day industrial visit to CESC Budge Budge Visit by ECE first year students on 22nd March, 2018.
A one day Industrial Visit of ECE 2nd year students to Doordarshan Kendra, Kolkata on 27th February, 2018.
Guest Lecture by TIB IEEE Student Branch on "Low Power VLSI Design", Speaker: Dr. Soumya Pandit, Executive Committee Member, IEEE EDS Kolkata Chapter, Assistant Professor, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, on 20th February, 2018.
Winner of Project competition of final year ECE B.Tech Students on 20th February, 2018
ECE Students attended the 39th Annual General Meeting of the IEEE Kolkata Section, 2018 on 15th January, 2018.
Educational Visit of Students and faculty members at Science and Engineering Fair 2018 organized by Birla Industrial & Technological Museum on 12th January, 2018.
Participation of ECE students in the IEEE EDS DL talk session on “Electronics for All” on 11th January, 2018.
An Educational Visit to “Birla Museum” on 12th February, 2017.
Guest Lecture on "Recent Technological Development in TV Broadcasting Speaker: Mr.RajatBose, Deputy Director General, Doordarshan, “ 23rd February 2017.
Industrial Visit BSNL Data Center Visit on 25th February 2017.
Industrial Visit Vizag Steel Plant Visit on 27th March-31st March 2017.
An Industrial Visit to CESC, Budge BudgeThemral Power station Visit on 4th April 2017.
Seminar on “Emerging Technology in Telecommunication”, Speaker: Prof. Bhaskar Gupta, ECE(JU),Prof. Jawad Siddiqui, Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics(CU),Mr. Kamal Agarwal, Dey. General Manager, ITPC BSNL, 20th April, 2017,
Guest Lecture on “Photonics in Present and Future Societies”, Prof (Dr.) P.K.Basu, Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, 11th April, 2017.
One-Day Seminar on “IEEE MEMBERSHIP AWARNESS PROGRAM AND RESEARCH ORIENTED LEARNING APPROACH” , Speaker: Prof. (Dr.)Angsuman Sarkar, Secretary, IEEE EDS Kolkata, Prof.(Dr.)Atanu Kundu, Chair, IEEE EDS Kolkata, Prof. ManashChanda, Jt. Secretary, IEEE EDS Kolkata, 9th August, 2017.
Alumni Meet of ECE Departmental Reunion on 15th August, 2017.
Guest Lecture on “What Industry Expects From Engineers”, Speaker: Mr.Amit Dutta, Director Konarenes Private Limited, 16th August, 2017.
Guest Lecture on “Active Function Circuit Design & Application”, Speaker: Dr. Mousiki Kar Senior Member IEEE Executive Committee, IEEE EDS Kolkata, 9th November, 2017.
A Work shop on “ROBOTICS”, 2016, in association with XESP, 11th-12th November.
Seminar on the topic “Emerging Field of Electronics & Communication Engineering”, Speakers: Prof(Dr.)DewakiNandanTiberwala(JU), Mr.GoutamGuha(BSNL) Prof(Dr.)Samir Kumar Pal(CU), Prof(Dr.)Tirthankar Datta(MSIT), 19th January 2016.
Seminar on “Introduction to Microwave”, Speaker: Prof (Dr.)Monojit Mitra(IIEST), 16th February 2016.
Seminar on “Modern Trends in Indian Railways & its Communication Systems” , Speaker: Mr. Sukhen Deb (Chief signal & telecom Engineer(Planning),Eastern Railway ,Kolkata), 30th August 2016.
Seminar on “Antenna Without Tears”, Speaker: Mr. Debatosh Guha, (Ex Chairperson, IEEE-Kolkata, FNAE, FNASc), 20th September 2016.
Seminar on “"Emerging field of Electronics in Engineering and its Application in Modern Science", Speaker: Dr. Supratik Pal (Associate Professor, Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit ISI (Kolkata), Dr. Chandan Kumar Sarkar(Chair IEEE Calcutta Section, ECE, JU),Dr. Dipti Prasad Mukherjee (ECE, Comupter and Communication Science Division, ISI(Kolkata)), 20th October 2016.
Parent Teacher Meeting on 23/11/2016
Electrical Engineering
Invited Talk on “Application of Power Electronics” Speaker: Prof. P.K. Sadhu, EE Department, ISM Dhanbad, 10th March 2017.
Invited talk on “Invited Power Sector Overview” Prof. (Dr.)Subimal Roy Barman, Chf. Engg Wbsedcl, 21st April 2017.
Invited Talk on “some aspects of Power System” Dr. Sukumar Chandra Konar, Speaker: Prof. & Ex-head of EE dept., IIEST, Shibpur, 17th August 2017.
Seminar on “How to represent Technical Seminar”, Speaker: Mr. Dipak Kumar Pal (Adjunct Professor), 18th August 2017.
Invited Talk on “Opportunities for Engineers to become Registered Values” Speaker: Mr. Sandip Kumar Deb, (Sandip Kumar Deb & associates), 6th September 2017.
Invited talk on “Indian-power scenario 2017”, speaker: Mr. Dipak Kumar Pal (Adjunct Professor), 13th October 2017.
A Seminar on “Availability based tariff”, Speaker: Mr. Bhaskar Sengupta (Guest lecturer), 1st November 2017.
Invited talk on “Thyristor control locomotive control system” Speaker: Mr. Debasish Bhattacharya, Chief Engineer, Eastern Railway, 2nd November 2017.
Invited Talk on “A history of development of power system” Speaker: Prof. A.N.Sanyal, Former Head of power plant engineering, Jadavpur University, 6th November 2017.
Industrial Visit to DPL, 25th November 2017.
Invited Talk on “Recent Trends of Power Trading”, Speaker: Prof. Bhaskar Sengupta, 3rd March 2016.
Invited Talk on “Review of Transformer Design -Optimization using a new methodology” , Speaker: Mr. Raju Basak, 15th March 2016.
Mechanical Engineering
Hands on Workshop on “ AEROMODELLING 1” 6th March 2017 to 7th March 2017.
An Industrial visit to “Vectra Engineering Private Ltd” , Kolkata, 8th November 2017.
Hands on Workshop and National Level Competition on “Robotics”, 8th February 2016.
A seminar on “Recent trends in manufacturing and career opportunities 1” Speakers: Mr. Aloke Mukherjee and Sandipan Chakraborty, 8th April 2016.
Civil Engineering
Invited Talk on “Flexible Pavement”, Speaker: Mr. Soumitra Bhattacharya, Director General (Roads), KMC, 6th September 2017.
Workshop on “Preparation of working and Drawing as per industry” 6th to 7th November 2017.
Parents teachers meeting, 10th November 2017.
Students displaying models of Bridge and
demonstrating rotating building, 25th November 2017